The series is to have an 26 episodes order.Duncan Rouleau - Writer, Supervising Producer.Joe Kelly - Writer, Supervising Producer.Joe Casey - Writer, Supervising Producer.
Sarah Anne Williams - Tempo/Quake Woman.Roger Craig Smith - Chris Redfield, Sonic the Hedgehog.
Characters from Mortal Kombat originate here.
Demon World: Otherwise known as the "Makai" and the "NetherRealm", the Hell-like world inhabited by demons. Characters from Monster Hunter originate here. Spiritual World: A world similar to the Material World's past. Characters from NiGHTS into Dreams and Super Mario Bros. Illusion World: A world set around medieval-styled fantasy and magic. Characters from Final Fantasy VII, Panzer Dragoon and Sonic the Hedgehog originate here. Genesis World: The world that feature both magic and science. Characters from Fatal Fury, Mega Man, Metal Gear, Tekken and Viewtiful Joe originate here. Material World: The central world in the game, based off real-life Earth but set in the year 20XX (sometime in the twenty-first century). Like in Namco x Capcom, the universe is split into multiple worlds: Shinra, a supernatural investigative task force, begin to bring in heroes from the merged realities to combat Ouma and prevent "Dark Gaia" from resurrecting. One day, inter-dimensional rifts began to open in alternate realities as a result of a experiment by Ouma, a group dedicated to causing chaos, to resurrect a dark deity dubbed "Dark Gaia" through the merging of multiple realities.